What Is Bedside Care?

What Is Bedside Care?

If your loved one is bedridden, giving the required care can be tough as they will likely need someone with them for most or all hours of the day. Providing Bedside care which comprises both physical and emotional support for a confined person is an essential task for caregivers.


Who Needs Bedside Care?

Bedside care is commonly given to those who are old, have had recent surgery or medical procedures, or suffer from chronic illnesses. This type of aid is often necessary for patients living in residential care facilities or nursing homes. Patients that require day-to-day assistance generally fare better when they receive bedside care because it provides them with undivided attention. You may need bedside care if you or your loved ones are:

  • Recovering from a stroke
  • Recently had surgery 
  • Going through chemotherapy treatment
  • Living with advanced-stage dementia


What Does Bedside Care Involve?

Bedside care or bedside nursing can involve several different tasks and responsibilities:


Physical support

Meeting the physical needs of a loved one can entail many things, like being conscious of their diet to massaging their aching muscles to prevent stiffness and pressure ulcers. If they are confined to bed, they will need help with daily tasks such as bathing and using the restroom, etc.

  1. Nutrition- A diet that focuses on proteins, fruits, and vegetables can be beneficial for bedridden people. A loss of muscle tone is common in those who are confined to a bed as they don't use their muscles regularly. This lack of movement further weakens them. If you're providing bedside care, you may want to explore home-delivered meal options.
  2. Medication management - Medication management includes monitoring, reconciling medications, and ensuring patients receive the right medication and dosage. The person managing also has to understand the patient's medicines’ purpose, safety, and effectiveness, as well as the potential risks from mixing meds with food or supplements.
  3. Bathroom assistance- People who are bedridden need help going to the bathroom. Choosing the correct products, like adult diapers and bed pads, is crucial for providing care from the comfort of their beds.  If the patient is still capable of moving, you may consider placing a portable bedside commode chair.
  4. Bathing and grooming - Bathing for a bedridden person is no easy task as it involves several items and steps to ensure that they do not develop skin problems. Bed baths involve bath sponges, towels, basins of water for soaping and rinsing, shampoos and lotions. For older adults, you can give a bed bath 2 or 3 times each week. 


Emotional support

Emotional support is crucial for patients who are confined to bed. These individuals rely on others for everything, so their emotional needs must be addressed. They need to feel confident and trust those taking care of them. It's essential that they don't feel like a burden but rather have someone they can rely on.

  1. Socialize - Being confined to a bed and unable to moveabout like they used to can make a person feel lonely and isolated. Being alone all the time is tough for anyone, so strike up a conversation with them or have family and friends visit to keep them connected.
  2. Acknowledge their feelings - Listening and understanding a person's fears and worries without judgement is important for the patient to feel supported emotionally Sometimes being heard is all it takes to make someone feel better.
  3. Offer a hug or hold their hand - Physical connection can make a person feel safe and supported during their difficult times. But always ask for permission and consent first no matter who the person is.


Bedside Care At Home

Bedside care in your home allows you to receive quality care or recover in the comfort of familiar surroundings. With a qualified and certified nurse or caregiver, at-home bedside care is perfectly safe. Although not every medical equipment or device may be available in a home setting, bedside care remains a viable and cost-effective option.

If the hospital setting gives you anxiety, in-home bedside care can help lessen those fears. With your doctor's okay and assistance from a bedside carer, a tailored and at-home treatment plan can begin your health journey on the right foot.



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Nov 10,2022